I had the opportunity again in 2023 to travel to Wasilla, AK and conduct some alternative firings at Knik Knack Mud shack. We had a great time with good results, and the hosts couldn't have been more accommodating. My most sincere thanks to Larry Longenecker and Linda Vojtech.
One of the sessions was a barrel firing. The barrel is a 50 gallon drum with holes drilled into the bottom few inches of the barrel and a grate install to raise the fuel from the floor. Pots are treated with oxides, then tumble-loaded into the barrel in the midst of the fuel (mostly birch in this case).
One of the most fun aspects of pit and barrel firings is seeing the chemicals vaporizing in the flames. Here we have copper and cobalt carbonates.
The pots right out of the barrel, before cleaning and sealing.
Here's a sample result from the barrel firing. The colors come from ferric chloride, copper carbonate, and cobalt carbonate.
Raku kiln with firing underway.
Some of the Raku firing results - eagle, turtle, and flamingo - before cleaning some soot.
Fish and thrown, textured vase
Some results of the saggar firing, before cleanup.